Matt (Westside) Heitzman- Trumpet

Music History-  Having been intiated into the world of brass playing at the age of 9, Matt has been inseperable from his horn ever since.  Serious playing and practicing began as a freshman in high school (where he practiced anywhere form 2 to 6 hours a day), and continued into his brief college years at College of DuPage.  He has performed at numerous solo and group competitions, most notably winning an Outstanding Solo award at the Elmhurst Jazz Festival while in college.  He began to work full time at American Music with Hugh in 2001 and continued there until 2004.   He currently plays with a number of local groups (Glen Ellyn Jazz Ensemble, Limited Edition Big Band) as well as performing on demand in brass quintets, pit orchestra productions, and most recently, Planet Groove.  Matt thanks Hugh for introducing him to Planet Groove.

Most Inspirational National Bands- Chicago, Miles Davis, James Brown, Bill Chase, Radiohead

Most Inspirational Local Bands- Planet Groove of course!

Most Overrated Band- Eric Clapton, U2, any rap "music"

Favorite Foods- GOOD Thai food, Italian sausage, pasta, curried chicken, tiramisu

Something No One Would Know About Matt-  Prior to college, Matt actually had an extensive theater career, spanning about 9 years and dozens of shows, including Ordinary People, Pinocchio, The King & I, 12 Angry Jurors, and many others.   He also wanted to play trombone in grade school, but was started on trumpet instead.